How to Promote your Blog Free/Premium.

How to Promote your Blog Free/Premium.


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On Writing posts and forgot about promotion? As a blogger you need to post and promote your blog as well. That's why I am here with this topic today How to promote your blog.
It 50-50 of writing post and its promotion. Yeah, Writing quality posts is not enough to make your blog famous. One will also need to promote there blog.
Today's topic is about promotion of your blogs. How to promote your blog ? Why we promote our blog? It is necessary to promote everything because promotion and advertising your blog make an idea in peoples minds so they will visit your blog.
All famous companies used to advertise there products in order to get users response and in order to aware peoples of there products. So as a blogger you also need to advertise your blog. And reach your posts to peoples.
Here is an article about bringing more traffic:
These are some tips to bring more traffic but in this post we will describe how to advertise your blog.
But before you processed to this article read:
Because it is good to know about Pros and Cons of it.
Now, let's us how to promote or advertise Blog. There are two type of advertising for bloggers.
1. Premium promotion.
2. Free promotion.
1. Premium Promotion:
Premium promotions required credit and are very useful for bloggers. But it is difficult for bloggers like us to affords premium promotions. So if you have no money then you should skip this one and more to free promotion.
Some of premium ads program are:
1. Facebook Advertising Banner Ads
Facebook is one of the popular platforms and nearly every person use it. So it is the best platform to advertise your products and contents. You can promote your blog page or you can make a banner of your advertising product.
2. Twitter for Business Advertising
Twitter is also a good platform for advertising not every person is found in Twitter but many Hollywood and other celebrities use Twitter which make it unique. So it is a good choice to advertise.
3. YouTube Ads Advertising
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YouTube is most popular videos network where almost 9/10 people watch videos. It is famous all over the world and was founded in 2015 so it will be also a good choice to advertise with.
4. Google AdWords
Popularly known by its search engine, the website can be paid to advertise your website. Once your website is hosted by Google, then the banners that are paid for can be displayed in the before the search results of the users.
5. Pinterest Ads
One can also use Pinterest ads to promote blog or other things.
There are some other advertising company:
eBay - Sell with Classifieds banners
Yahoo Advertising
LinkedIn Ads
These were some of the premium advertising ways for bloggers.
But how can we promote our blogs free without spends money?
Here is some ways you can advertise your blog free and make it popular. Yes it can be also done freely.
2. Free promotion:
You can also promote your blog free.
Use free ads program:
Post Banner Ads Free
This website allows free signing up to for free and they advertise your website for you. It does not matter whether it is a new website or an existing one that has previously had low traffic. The site allows banners of four types; 480 ×60,160×60,728×90 and 300×250.
You can use social media to promote your blogs using social media posts.
Promote your blog using social media:
Facebook: use facebook to promote your blogs. Make your blog page group or post your blog post on your own wall to promote your blog. Facebook can be a good way to promote your blogs. Check out brainfy Facebook page.
Google plus: Google plus is very popular among bloggers and are used by every blogger to promote there blogs. Make your blog collection post your articles links join communities and post your articles there. Or you can post your articles on your own profile. Check out brainfy collection.
Twitter: promote your post in Twitter. And raise your traffic Twitter is world wide famous social network. Make a group of followers and promote your blog and its posts for free.
Instagram: Use Instagram to promote blog and its posts. Many bloggers advertise there blog through Instagram.
Further I can say that there are many more social networks to promote your blog and its articles.
How to promote blog in these social networks?
It is easy to promote your blog in these social networks all you need is to make followers. After having some followers create post about your blogs. Show them your blog is about what. Create post about your blogs. Post your articles links. Posting your articles link also benefit in google search and it increase your blog rank in google. Use hash tags about your articles. Users search these hash tags. For example #How #to #promote #your #blog in this form. These help audience to search your social media posts.
Is there is any other way to promote your blog? Yes there are many many ways to promote your blog.
Two best ways to promote your blogs and its post are:
Yahoo answers and Quora
Yahoo Answers:
Bloggers best choice is to promote there blog in yahoo answers. Why is it so? Because yahoo answers gets more then 2 million visits daily. Peoples ask questions which are answered by  users. Generally blogger search for those questions which are related to there blogs and the answered with the help of there blogs posts link. Peoples visit there blog's link to find there answers. This is how they will get there views. Soon i am going to explain how to do it. You can start at Yahoo's answers.
Quora: Quora is also a popular platform for asking questions and these questions are answers by there users. As blogger search for those questions which are related to there blogs and the answered with the help of there blogs posts link. Peoples visit there blog's link to find there answers. This is how they will get there views. Quora is also available for android. Download Quora for android.
Final words !
These were some of my best ways to promote your blog and its articles and have good traffic. These were my best ways to advertise your blog free/premium what is yours? Let me know comment your favorite ways to promote blog.
Good luck !

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