How to make Money with Blog

How to make Money with Blog


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Hello today's topic is How to make money with your blog. First you need to know that making money with blog is not easy. Because you need a good start and a huge traffic to make money. Without traffic you blog is useless.
After working a month on my blog start getting some response peoples views my post and it is a good news for me. How I did that? I start a blog with a topic how to make money and I did it well. Firstly I used to copy posts from other blogs but recently I have started writing my own articles.

How to start a blog:

You can start a blog like Brainfy without spending a Penny. So you can start a blog free. Where to start? Well, there are two famous free blogs makers WordPress and you can get a start with these two. As I have already posted about these to so you can check out these:
So these articles will help you to get a good start. Start isn't that easy but these articles will help you to get a start easily. After getting start you need to know about Some mistakes take usually made by 90% of new bloggers.
Yes 90% of new bloggers made mistake during start up which decrease there traffic result they stop blogging. If you are reading this article then you are lucky you will not made these mistakes. Read what are these mistakes and how can one prevent blog from these mistakes:

5 Beginning Blogging Mistakes You Can Fix

Most important part for making money is to get traffic. The more you get traffic the more you will earn. Take Example for a shop if more customers come to your shop more will you earn same in case of blog. More users view your blog more will you earn.
Here is an article about it: 

20 Tips to Bring More Traffic to Your Blog

Design your blog is most important because good design get good response.

How to design you Blog:

Nowadays it is not necessary to be a master in designing because everything is built-in already you have to just use it.
As I already posted design blogger template yesterday:

How to change blogger template

After a good design what is necessary?
Now you need to optimise your blog by using SEO. SEO stand for Search engine optimisation. Why is it necessary to optimise your blog in search engine? By SEO you can raise your blog rank in search engines like Google and other searches. SEO increase your traffic and you will make good sum of money. Here is some SEO articles:

Add Keywords in Blogger for Optimization

How to Add Robot.txt in website Blogger and WordPress

How to Add Keywords to a Website

How to Set Up Keyword Tags on Your Blogspot Blog

Now it is time for you to place ads in your blog?

How to make money with ads:

Making money with ads is the first thing for a blogger to get a start with..
What are ads and how some get paid for showing ads in blog?
You maybe know ads and you can see ads in different places. People adverse products and different materials to raise there revenue.
You can make money by placing ads in you blog. There are different program/companies that sale ads to bloggers.

Make Money by Showing Ads:

There are some program sake ads to show in blog. Sign up for it and get a script place it in your blog and make money by views.
Note: don't click and view your own ads you could get banned and lost your earning.

Make money with Google AdSense:

Google AdSense is popular among bloggers and the highest paid ads program for bloggers. Read article about AdSense:

Google AdSense: How To Make Money With Your Blog!

Make money with chitika:

It is difficult to approve AdSense for new bloggers so you have to not worried about it chitika is a good replacement for adsense here is a good article about chitika:
Some other ads programs for new bloggers are:

These are some ads Sellers who sale ads but there are more ways to make money with your blog. Yes it isn't over yet.
You can make money by using url shorteners.

Make money using url shorteners:

Make money by short you files and pages urls here is some URL shorteners to make money online:
These articles will help you to earn money with URL shorteners.  Url shorteners will help you in increasing you online income.

Final words !

Make money with blog is good idea. It is not easy to make money with blog but one should try it. It is one of the best way to make money online without investment Savvy !

4 Reviews

  1. This post helped me in how to make money in blogs.I am very thankful and grateful to the admin for posting such an important post.

    1. Thank you for reading stay with us for much more. . @ john

  2. Nice post. Free points could have been more descriptive. Anyways it's a very useful one.

    1. Thank you for commenting we are trying to describe all possible points to make money online stay with us for more updates @ varun


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