The Easiest Way To Get Started – Buysellads

The Easiest Way To Get Started – Buysellads


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Media buying (banner advertising) has been one of the most popular advertising methods since the beginning of the internet, and when done correctly it can definately produce a positive ROI.
And the good news is that you don’t really need a big budget to get started, as opposed to pay per click for instance.
Instead of bidding on a particular keyword and optimizing everything in the process when your campaign is running, you simply need to do 3 things:
Find a highly targeted website
Optimize your creative / banners to increase click through rates
Optimize your funnel to increase conversions
When you can master these 3 things, banner adverting is one of the easiest ways to get into paid advertising there is.
In this post I’ll introduce you to a platform on which you can get started advertising in a matter of minutes.
The platform I’m talking about is, which is a self-serve media buying platform with tons of sites listed you can start advertising on instantly.
This is a great platform for many reasons:
It’s very easy to use and to get started
There’s a very low deposit minimum of just $25
The approval process is fast (usually less than 24 hours)
You can easily optimize your banners and split-test them
You get to see live stats on how your banners perform
There are sites listed in any niche you can imagine
For that alone it’s definitely worth checking out, so let’s take a closer look on how things work inside.
Signing up to Buysellads is very easy and only takes a minute, so head over to the register page and enter your details in the form:
If you have a credit card it’s not necessary to deposit funds, but as you can see there are several options to fund your account to start advertising:
When that’s done it’s time to look for sites to advertise on. As you see it’s very easy to navigate and find a site in your particular niche:
So let’s say you want to promote an offer in the fitness niche, you can select “Health & Fitness” and all sites related to that topic will appear sorted from high traffic to low traffic
And then it’s just a matter of checking which sites have a great offer. As an example you can see here how the pricing is determined:
As you can see there’s either a fixed price, meaning you pay a certain amount and your banner will appear on the site for the next 30 days.
The other option is to pay on a cpm basis, which means the price for every 1000 impressions.
I think it’s always best to look for sites who offer a cheap fixed price, because that’s usually a whole lot cheaper.
I this example for instance you pay just $75 for 190K impressions for the fixed price, and $570 or $380 for 190K on a cpm basis.
The disadvantage is that the fixed price is usually a less attractive ad, in this case a very small button banner, which will result in less clicks.
So the perfect combination is a larger banner with a fixed price to get the highest ROI.
Before placing your order, it’s always best to do some research on the site. Here are some tips that can help you determine whether or not the site is a great place to advertise or not.
Check stats in Alexa
While the Alexa toolbar isn’t a very accurate tool to measure a sites popularity (it only counts and tracks visitors with the toolbar installed), it should give you a general idea.
To use the example of the fitness site we just saw, you can see that almost half  the traffic comes from the US and UK which is reasonable:
What’s equally important in my opinion is the fact that a lot of the traffic comes from Google, and more specifically from keywords related to a specific topic:
So this is a great way to determine whether the visitors of that site will be interested in what you are promoting.
The fact that people enter these keywords in Google or Bing and click through to this site means they are looking to solve their problem (which is what search engines are for eventually), so this can be a very important factor to increase your conversions.
Is the site active and updated frequently?
You obviously want to advertise on a site that is active, so make sure to check if there is new content being added on a regular basis.
In line with this is to check whether or not the articles (if it’s a blog) get a lot of comments by visitors and if there’s a big social following resulting in a shares on social media.
If you paid a fixed price and the blog is growing, there’s a good chance you’ll get more impressions than the number shown in the Buysellads website.
These are just a couple of things that can determine whether you found a great site to advertise on or not. The key is to use common sense, check the stats and learn to determine for yourself whether the price to advertise is worth it or not, as it’s not exact science by any means.
Not everybody is a professional designer, neither am I, so that’s why it’s best to outsource this part. is a great place for this because you can get banners for merely $5. I do suggest you get more than 1 though (about 3-5) to test the first days and then keep the one that performs best.
The banner should just have 1 goal: make people curious so they click it!
You don’t have to make it very complicated too, the ugliest looking banners usually perform best. It’s very tempting to get a professionally designed banner for a lot of money, but that’s not needed at all really.
When you got your banners ready, it’s time to order the ad space and upload them to Buysellads before placing an order:
So when that’s done, you can check out and wait for your banner to be approved by the publisher.
As I mentioned this can happen really fast, especially on weekdays it’s very possible your ad gets approved the very same day and you’re ready to get some highly targeted traffic to your offer.
So that’s how simple it is to get started with media buying. There isn’t really much more to it than this to be honest.
After your ad is live you can easily upload more banners and test them out. I think it’s best to wait until you get at least 10000 impressions before you can determine how good (or bad) a banner performs.
The industry average is about 0,10% click through rate, so anything above that can be considered good.
If it’s lower than that then I highly suggest you replace the banner and try to optimize it for more clicks.
So if you have an offer you want to promote, I suggest you get started and drive some traffic and hopefully make some money in the process.
If you don’t have an offer to promote, make sure to check out the marketing material offered right here to make a full-time passive income online:

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