Adfly how to make money online

Adfly how to make money online


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Adfly: how to make money online

Adfly how to make money online

As I have already posted about Adfly but after a research on adfly I have got some useful information.

did they give you money?

Adfly shorten your long URL into a small one where they put an ad between your site and url. How does it work.

Example 1.2:

Here is example how adfly work.
First you shorten a link of file.txt and post that in your site. When someone click that link of file. 10 seconds ad will be shown and when he click skip ad your adfly account will be increase according to the clicker country. After skip ad the file will be downloaded.


Before you sign up for adfly let me write about payments options of adfly because before you start it you need to know about payment options. If you are comfortable with payment options you may processed to sign up adfly otherwise. Try other method for earning.

Payment options of adfly:

Payoneer (Bank Transfer)
Payoneer (Prepaid Card)
These are some of payment options for new users. Adfly provide daily payment too as soon as you reach the followingre quirements:
Withdrawal Account Set.
Paid once in monthly payment.
Account longer than one month.
Account details not changed in last 72 hours.
Cashout limit reached: $5.

Cash out limit is 5$:

What does it mean cash out limit is 5$ ?
It means that you can't cash out before your account is not reached 5$. Yes you will be not paid until you not complete 5$ in your account. You will be only get paid after completing 5$ or get more then 5$ you can't get paid below 5$.
How can we trust adfly ? If someone not get paid? What if adfly is a froud?. Some of common questions continuously bousing in your mind.

Reasons to Trust Adfly:

1. It is one of the old URLs shortener started back in 2009. It is still doing well in 2016. Yes it is 7 years old. Only trusted sites live long.
2. According to top websites world ranking Alexa it is one of the top sites of the world. Yes you can check Alexa ranking. Adfly is one of 100 top websites.
3. There are more then 2 millions users of adfly only trusted sites can make users. So it not fake site.
4. They pay on time.
There is no need of another Prof. Am I taking your golden time? Don't worry keep reading  this will help you. What more? What do you want more? Then it is not finished yet. What are some other features of adfly how can someone like me and you can use these tools. Don't go anywhere keep reading. If you are getting bored , take a breath take walk, have a drink, and come back if you are not then let us continue.
Here is some other tools to boost your Adfly earning.

Adfly tools to Boost your Earning:

First you need to know is adfly is not only a URLs shortener. Yes it is more then a url shortener. What is that ? Here is a tools list that will help you to boost your Adfly earning. Some of which I understand are:
1. Easy Link
2. Full Page Script
3. Website Entry Script
4. Pop Ads
5. Multiple links

1. Easylink

It is one of most interesting feature of adfly. What is easy link? Well if you are lazy to short url again and again then it is for me and you. How can we use it? Login adfly or sign up it depends on you. Go to tools then go to easy link. There will be two links given for you.
Example 1.3:
1st link:
2nd link:
1st link work same as your shorten url. All you need to clear and give your own URL then place it in your website. This link is from my account kindly do not place it in your site. Go to your account tools then easylink and do it with your own.
2nd url is different which is for banner not ad needs to do the same method is it was done with the first. 2nd url will not shows complete ad. It will be a banner there will be no skip ad option in that there will be a cross red button. When the button get clicked your earning will be increased. Banner increase less then a full ad.
What banner increase earning less then full ad?

Banner increase income less then Full Ad:

The main reason behind this is: ad is shown for 10 seconds which can't be skipped before 10 seconds while you can cross a banner any time when it gets fully loaded.

2. Full page Script:

Well this one is pretty interested one. How is it interested? Well if you have a popular site and want to earn with it via adfly then this is it. What is Full page script how it work? By placing this script your website all URLs are automatically changed into adfly shorten URLs. yes all you need is to place the script in your site. Where do you will find this? Login adfly go to tools and then go to Full page script. There will be full details given "how to and where to place the script".

3. Website Entry Script:

What is Entry script? It is not the like Website Full Script. What will happened if one place entry script in website? Entry script shows ads on entry. When someone open your site he/she will be shown an ad of 10 seconds by skipping that ad they will be proceed into your site. You can see this in adfly tools.

4. Pop ads:

What are pop ads? You maybe notice sometimes when you are visiting a site multiple tabs and windows are opened. This because of pop ads. By placing adfly pop ads script in your website you can have that too. It is quite irritatin. But you should try it for boost adfly earnings. It can be found in tools of adfly.

5. Multiple link:

It is used for to convert many links to shorten urls at once.
It was some of boosting ways of adfly income. Is there any other way to earning money with adfly? Yes there is one more way to make money with adfly. And what is that? That is Adfly referrel system.

What is adfly Referrel system how does it work?

Referrel is normally called is recommendation. In normal life when we recommend shop to someone we will gets some credit. Same in the case of adfly you will get paid for recommending it your friends, website users, forum users, or anywhere.

How can a person recommend or refer adfly.

It is very easy to recommend Adfly to someone login adfly see up there will be referrels option click on that you will see a link like this:
Copy this and give it to your friends. Don't copy this one because it is from one of my account. Do it with your own. And there are different types of banners to placed in your website. Banners are written in HTML so all you need to copy and paste in you website according to your needs.  How banners work? Well they are linked pictures with your referrel url and when it gets click it works as it is recommended by you.

What are befits of referrels

Referrels are also count is one of the income in adfly it will raise your income in adfly just like other tools did.


Well what we get from this long article? Adfly can be a best earning site. And it is proved from above article. So one can get good sum of money with adfly. I suggest you to try adfly.

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