Cloud Computing and the Cyber Security Challenges

Cloud Computing and the Cyber Security Challenges


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Cloud Computing and the Cyber Security Challenges Download

Cloud Computing and the Cyber Security Challenges Download

Cloud computing & Cyber Security is a revolution in every industry, stay with us if you want to learn some cool things.

What you’ll learn

  • This course will provide you with the background needed to understand and explain cloud computing as well as the key cybersecurity challenges associated with cloud transition.


  • There are no prerequisites other than the desire to really understand what cloud computing is all about.


Organizations everywhere are trying to leverage cloud computing to achieve business or mission goals. Many believe it’s just marketing hype while others see it as a wholesale change in how information technology is delivered. In this course, you’ll learn about cloud computing and the security challenge of it all. First, you’ll explore a short history of cloud computing. Next, you’ll discover the basic cloud computing concepts and introduces you to the key cloud computing transition security challenges. Finally, you’ll learn how to be able to describe the value this new model delivers and explain how to effectively address some of the most important cloud cybersecurity concerns. After finishing this course, you’ll understand why cloud computing isn’t just a marketing hype.
We’ve prepared very interesting video lessons for you. But we also have many reading materials, unfortunately, it is not possible to put all the concepts into cool slides. If that’s not a problem for you, we’re sure this course will be interesting for you.

Who this course is for:

  • This course is for all IT professionals who have at least initial knowledge in this field.

Cloud Computing and the Cyber Security Challenges Download

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