Make Money with Disqus Comment box

Make Money with Disqus Comment box


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Welcome back once again I'm here with a mind bowling post for bloggers and websites owners. Now they can make money with there comment box.

If you are reading this article then you are definitely interested to improve quality of your  website and to increase your income. There are a lot of comments are coming to your website against different blogs and articles. I can tell you a way through which you can monetize your comments. Really? Yes it is true.

Here is a way with which you can do so. I will tell you about a system namely They provide platform for online Communities and for websites as a hosted comment services. Started in 2007 by Daniel Ha. It is free service for websites and people who are allowing comments on Websites.

Features And Benefits of Disqus Comment System

Disqus commenting system works like an attractive community and its installation is very easy for any user. This system is integrated with all social networks in very friendly manner. A very unique benefit of this system is that it has beauty of controlling spam and cannot put nameless comments as everyone has to be verified and authenticated in this system. It allows you to turn on or turn off the guest comments which reduce the spams effectively.

One of the excellent features of Disqus is that it provides joining and connecting with other blog authors but with other blogs who uses the same system. You can track discussions and sub-discussions effortlessly. Disqus also uses comments in sequence and allows and welcomes more comments.

Disqus system of comments is a surprisingly tool anyone would like to have it. It is very friendly and supporting for anyone who is designing the comment area. You can manipulate your comments in different way either u put them above your post or below, classify them with respect to age, while selecting any font and use other features. If you see that so many comments are coming, you can add moderators and this will allows you monitor or manually approve comment to keep your commodity clean from spam or bad comments.

Karma feature of Disqus is very real to be applied.  When a commentator comments, visitors can vote is to make the rating of that comment. Naturally, everyone likes to be highlighted as good commentator and thus his repute is increased.

“Discovery” is an other great feature of Disqus. What discovery does? It shows articles from other blogs on right-hand side. It will be shown under the comments area, which will be seen by the visitors so it can help you to increase traffic.

One more very supportive and amazing feature lies with Discus. You can import all your comments from Other CMS (Content Management System), e.g.: WordPress and Joomla. So, in this way our all history of comments will be saved.

How To Make Money with Disqus comment System

Other than enjoying lot of benefits, cool feature, bandwidth saving, You can also make money with Disqus comment system. When you use their comment system, they show come sponsor link (if you allow) at the end of comments and share revenue with you.

Earn Money with Disqus Discovery Tool

It is reality;  Discovery feature can generate extra revenue for you as a publisher. It has two ways

1- Same-site Discovery

2- Promoted Discovery.

Same-site recommends the same content to user which he is visiting. In this way page views frequency is increased and more chances to generate revenue arise.

Promoted Discovery guidelines users to peculiar content that marketers are looking to develop to the visitors.  You earn revenue from Discus as a Publisher for each click on  promoted content link.

How Much You Can make with Discovery?

Brief answer is that it all depends on many factors like CTR (Click-Through Rate), Quality of Traffic,Type and Quality of the Created Content and advertisers promotion discretion.

How prices are determined in Promoted Discovery?

You as a publisher will make money on Cost per click basis. For every click on a Promoted Discovery link on your site, you will get a percentage of the revenue and the percentage of earning is not fixed.

How Discus Pay to Publishers ?

Minimum payout of Disqus is 100$ and Payment is made after 90 days via PayPal when you reach minimum payout amount. Withdraw Fees may vary depending on your selected payment option and country.  fees are :

PayPal – $1 (+ normal PayPal fees according to your individual settings)
ACH – $1
Wire Transfer – $15
eCheck – $5
Check – $6
Drawback Of Discus

There is a drawback in Discus system. In fact it stores all comments on one server, not on our server. If something happens to Discus servers, your all comments are gone with the wind means you lose all your previous data.  If Discus decides to change, your data has no security or surety to be recovered. Well now there is a new option by which you can also store comment on your own database, so this drawback is somehow ignorable.

Add Disqus  comment box now:


So, bottom line is that using the Disqus system has more advantages than disadvantages. Moreover, it is next step in commenting system which will result in improving blogs comments.

Comment your opinion about Disqus Comment box.

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