how to make a proboards forum

how to make a proboards forum


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Hello peoples welcome back to brainfy blog. In this post of brainfy I will discuss what is forum? how to make a proboards forum? And how to make money with forums? As I've discussed in my previous post:

Blogging Starting Tips

In this post we will try to start up a forum. In past I've discussed:

Getting start with Forum

Check this one to get an idea about forum. So what is forum? How to make a forum and make online money with it.

What is forum?
An online discussion group. Online services and bulletin board services (BBS's) provide a variety of forums, in which participants with common interests can exchange open messages. Forums are sometimes called newsgroups (in the Internet world) or conferences.

How to make a forum?
Read: Getting start with Forum
After reading this article you will be able to know some free forums builder online now we are going to use one of them.
We are going to use Proboards.

Advantages of making or having forum:

Customers can answer one another's questions, thus reducing your support costs.

If you or a customer answers someone's question — especially with a detailed response — this information can be referenced in the future, so you don't have to recreate it every time someone sends you the same question.

As customers discuss your offerings, they are generating, for free, fresh content that is rich in keywords and is attractive to search engines.

By having an online community, users are encouraged to visit your website more often, and then they tell others about it.

Users will typically and freely share ideas on how you could improve your offerings, market them better, and reach new prospects.

According to my personal experience forums generally have high rank in google in less time. So it is the best way to get good rank in google and Alexa.

Also Read:

How to add your Blog in Google search engine

How to boost up your blog alexa rank.

How to check your Website or Blog rank.

How to make a forum with Proboards?
It is very easy to get a start with Proboards forums.
Go to
You can sign up or sign in.
So we are going to sign up.
click sign up and there will be a form given to: 

Once you finished filling your information. You will received a confirmation email. After confirmation you will be able to go to your forum and edit it with admin and add your data.
Now you can make money with forums by adding files with adfly and shorte short URLs to make money with forum.

Final words! 
Forum could be a good way to make online income. One should try to make Proboards forum it is very easy to use and manage forums with Proboards. Now let me know if you have any trouble? Comment now. 

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