How to boost up your blog alexa rank.

How to boost up your blog alexa rank.


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Hello friends, I am here with a new post. And it is How to boost up your rank in In my previous post I discussed what is Alexa and how does it works if you are not familiar with that read:

How to check your website or blog rank

If you know what is Alexa rank then you should processed to this article. In this article I am going to discuss how to rank up in or make your blog worth in

Firstly you need to add need to add your website in
You can directly use Alexa services to add your site in it.

How to add your site in Alexa:
Go to and sign up. You can use two type of Alexa account premium or free with 7 days trial. 7 days is enough to add your website isn't it? But trial account also required PayPal or bank account if you didn't have that try fake accounts. After sign up you can add your blog and sites and certified them with alexa.

Secondly you need to provide unique and quality contents. By quality and unique contents I meant that you need to post that content which are not copied from others. In beginning it is the best way for every blogger to copy post from other but as soon as he/she realise the important of own post they start there own post and get better response with there own post/article. Why quality content gets good rank in Alexa? Usually search engine shows those content first which are real and are not copied because they occupied good space in search engine. As soon as someone copy it then there is no place for the copied one.

Thirdly you need to link your website and blog with other famous sites and blogs. How to link with them? Share there links in your blogs. Try to share your blog and its post in famous social media and other places. These links help Search engine and Alexa to boost your rank up. Here is an article about promoting your blog try this one:

How to Promote your Blog Free/Premium

This one will help you how to and where to post and promote your blogs and websites.
Now we should move to Alexa boost up rank.

Fourthly you should try to optimise you blog and website keywords and descriptions. Try those keywords which bring more traffic. Web is all about traffic if you traffic your websites and blogs are valuable. Check how to optimise blogger keywords:

Add Keywords in Blogger for Optimization

List of High Paying Adsense Keywords & Topics

This article will help you to place keywords in better places in blogger.

Fifthly you should follow SEO practices and follow there different techniques. SEO is a very important strategy that deserves a significant amount of your time and attention. But SEO is not just about improving the promotion and visibility of your website. It’s also about making your site better for your customers who use it to interface with your brand. Without a good user experience you have little hope of keeping or converting your customers.

20 Tips to Bring More Traffic to Your Blog

Final words !
These were some of the best ways to get good rank in following these will show good result. These were some of my ideas to increase your rank. Do you know how to rank up in let me know what are the other ways to increase your rank. Comment now which one is the best way to get good rank in alexa.?

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