How to Add Keywords to a Website

How to Add Keywords to a Website


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Why Should You Know How to Add Keywords to a Website?

By learning how to add keywords to a website you will be able to keyword your own blogs, website pages, and other internet marketing materials. You will also gain context for why SEO is so important for your business.

How Can Adding Keywords to My Website Help My Business?

Adding keywords to your website helps search engines understand what your website can offer someone searching, and ultimately bring you more qualified traffic. How? With identifiers, like keywords. Without Keywords on your website pages there is no way for a search engine to categorize your website and show it to the right people searching.Think of it this way, a well written paper has a thesis, and supporting arguments that relate to the thesis. Readers of well written papers have a clear understanding of what the subject is and what the paper is about. This is the same theory behind Google and other search engines. In fact two students from Stanford created Google with this same idea in mind.

A well made website has a main subject, and often has sub categories that relate to the main subject, and by keywording each of these areas we are able to give a clear picture to search engines, and people searching are able to find you more easily.

How Many Keywords Do I Need to Add Per Page?

After you have conducted your keyword research you will need to choose one keyword for each of your website pages or blogs. Keywords should be specific to the page topic and relate to your overall website subject.

Where to place keywords in website?
To place keywords in your site

Copy this code and place it after <head>

<meta name="keywords" content=", Brainfy, keyword 2, keyword 3 , " />

Separate your keywords with , place it after head.

<meta name="keywords" content=", Adfly, money, HTC, root, game, games, Brainfy , " />

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