Earn money from youtube channel

Earn money from youtube channel


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Earn from youtube partnership program

Youtube is third most popular site in Internet after the google and facebook started in 2005. It is world’s largest free video sharing community and the most interesting site to enjoy watching different kind of videos.

Youtube is owned by the Internet search engine company google and it allows people to create their own channel and upload their own videos to earn money.

if you ever watched youtube videos, You will find the videos not only from a movie channel ,TV channel  or the videos from any celebrity but you also find the user generated content.

That means people like you and me can upload our videos  and  Youtube not only host our videos freely but it also allows us to earn money by participating its partnership program.

Only thing you need is create some interesting  videos and upload it in youtube.  I have seen lot of channel which has the videos like adorable cats, cooking items, how to dress up properly like that you can record some of interesting videos through your smart phone, if you do not have a camera to record.

Youtube is one of the best way to earn money through your creativity. People are earning more than 1000$ every month simply uploading their videos. If you can upload atleast 20 to 30 interesting videos then easily you can earn $100 to $200 every month.

What is youtube partnership program?

Youtube partnership program is nothing but monetizing your own videos to participate its revenue sharing program. Once you monetized your videos , Google will show the adsense ads inside your videos. When people will click those ads you will make some percentage of revenue generated through that commerical ads.

You might have experience, while watching videos in youtube, you will see some ads will appear time to time inside the videos that is nothing but adsense ads and google always shows the relevant ads similar to the video content.

How to be a youtube partner?

Before became a partner in youtube, you must have an account in google or gmail . Because with one account in google you can sign in to its every product. Now you can log into youtube using your google account. There you must have to create your own channel to participate in its partnership program.

How to create youtube channel?

Here I will show you the step by step guide how to create a youtube channel.  First Sign into youtube using your gmail account. Once you signed in,  you will find my channel option (left side top). And click on it. See the image below.

Now you will get one pop up image, which will ask your channel name. And give  an unique channel name related to your videos. If you are going to upload videos from different topic then simply let your name be your channel name. Next click on create channel.

Now your channel had been created. Next you can upload your channel profile image , cover image and write a description about your channel. These are not mandatory but to let people know what is your channel about. Next , you can verify your channel.

How to verify your channel?

Verifying your channel allow you to upload the longer videos and enjoy other youtube features.  You can not upload a video more than 15 minutes if your channel is not verified. Verification also helps youtube to know that you are really a youtuber and not a robot. I will show you below with images how you can verify your channel.

sign in to youtube
click on my channel left side
next click on video manager

Then you will see different options in leftside. click on channel.

Once you click on channel, you will find verify option right side of it. Then click on it.

Now a new page will be opened and it will ask to get  a text message through your phone to verify your account. Now you can select the option text me the verification code. Once you select that option, it will ask your  ph. no.

Just fill up your ph. no and click on submit. Then,  it will send a message to your phone and you have to check that message to find the verification code. Once you get the code, fill that number in verification box and then click submit. Then it will be verified

Enable your channel for monetization

Already you learned about how to create channel and how to verify your account, then your next step will be monetizing your channel because without monetization you will not able to earn money from your videos. Follow the step by step guide.

sign in to youtube
click on my  channel (left)
click on video manager (right side of it)

Next click on channel. After you click the channel, then right side you will find the monetization option. There you can click on enable.

Once you click enable you will find a page like below. Now click on enable my account.

Then, you will find a pop up image like below. Select all the option and click on I accept.  Once you did that , your account will be monetized.

Associate your adsense account to get paid

You have done everything. You created your channel, you have monetized it. But question is how will you be get paid.  As I already said google will show the adsense ads in your videos and when people click those ads, you will get certain percentage of ad revenue. Therefore you must need an adsense account to associate it in your youtube account.

If you already have an adsense account approved in your name then you can associate it in your youtube account or if you do not have one then you can apply for a new account through youtube.  The prorcess is simple.

How to associate adsense account?

Now you can follow the step by step guide to associate your adsense account carefully.

sign into youtube
click on my channel
then click on video manager
next click on channel
under channel click on monetization option
once you click on monetization option, you will find the option how will I be paid? (right side)
click on How will I be paid?
then click on associate an adsense account

Once you click on associate an adsense account , you will find the page like below . Then click on next.

Then you will be redirected to youtube+adsense page and click on sign in.

Here two important things you have to remember. If you already have an adsesne account with the gmail which is associated with your youtube, then the moment you clicked on sign in, it will redirect to your youtube page. If you don’t have one then it will open another page like below. Now here you can apply for new adsense account. Click on continue.

Once you clicked on continue, it will open another page where it will ask your name and address. You should write your name which is same as your bank account.  After filling up the form, you can submit your account for review and if your account will be approved then they will send an email.

Uploading your videos and individual monetization

Earning with youtube depends on uploading your videos.  So, if you can technically create videos by recording through camera, or through mobile then you can upload videos in your youtube  or if you are perfect in any topic then you can create tutorial videos through your computer.

There are many screen recording software available like Activepresenter, screencast-o-matic, camtasia which you can download from internet freely and make some wonderful videos.

Once you uploaded your videos, you have to monetize each videos individually. Edit your videos and click on monetization then they have display ads, overlay ads, skippable video ads, select all the option and click on save.  Once you saved google will show the ads in your videos.

When people will watch your videos they will see the ads, if they click those ads then you will earn money . Remember one thing, you should not click your own video ads nor encourage others to click those ads.  It is the violation of their terms and service.

As youtube is one of the video search enginee it will send traffic to your videos. More traffic means more money. As your channel grow old, your subscriber will grow and your earning will grow.

How to check your  youtube earning?

In youtube analytics you can check your views and earning everyday. Analytic will show how many visitors are coming to your videos and how much earning with graphs.

How to receive payment

Every month 12th  your youtube earning will be updated in google adsense account.  You can check it in your adsense account . And if you reach minimum payment threshold 100$ then they will send the payment 23 rd of the month to your bank account.

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