5 Best Ad Networks For New Bloggers That Approves

5 Best Ad Networks For New Bloggers That Approves


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Impact back with an interesting band important topic for newbie Bloggers. Getting reject by AdSense is the most annoying and awful moment for a newbie. After search a day I have got some ads program that can replace AdSense and give you good some of money which would be great thing for a newbie.

Small blogs cannot get Adsense approval, so I have found few good ad networks for new bloggers. At the same time, There are many ad networks in the industry. But all the ad networks are not good. They may cheat bloggers; they won’t pay for bloggers even they reached the minimum payout. So now we will see the article. This article is written for small publishers. If you are a small blogger, this post will be a gold mine for you.

Ad networks for small publishers based on getting Approval:

Revenue Hits:

Revenue Hits is very different when compared to the below ad networks. Revenue Hits won’t pay you anything for clicks or impressions. They pay when a click is turned into action. For example, advertisers need some user information. They advertise using Revenue Hits.

Publishers place the ad code on his blog. When a visitor clicked the ad and gave his name and email to the advertiser. Then you will get paid. They pay $10-$50 per action.

The minimum payout of Revenue hits of $50. They pay via Paypal, Payoneer & bank transfer. I saw many publishers making more than $10- $100 per day. I love Revenue Hits. This is a good ad network for small publishers with no minimum traffic requirements

Pros of Revenue Hits

Very high CPA rates
Good minimum payout when compared to other ad networks like Adsense.
Good support.
Instant activation (Yup!)
Cons of Revenue Hits

1. Nothing other than Ad format. They don’t use CPC or CPM methods. They only pay for actions.


Bidvertiser is one of the oldest ad networks. It was founded in 2002.  They offer a large range of ad formats. More ad formats mean more ads and more clicks and more money. The minimum payout of Bidvertiser is $10 via PayPal, $20 via cheque & $50 via bank wire.

Bidvertiser pros:

The minimum payout is very low
They offer more ad formats
Bidvertiser cons:

Bidvertiser ads are not high-quality ads.
Sometimes mobile users will be redirected to play store which is very irritating for mobile visitors.
The interface looks dated.



Infolinks is another popular ad program which is also considered newbie bloggers friendly. Infolinks offer many ad types & is popularly known for their in-text ads.


Trusted advertising company
Payout in time

Minimum payout is $50

Popads for Popunder Ads:

Popads is a premium pop ad network. This is a good ad network for small publishers with no minimum traffic requirements. They started in 2010 & promise to offer 100% fill rates. They allow all types of blogs including illegal, Porn and other sites. They don’t have minimum traffic requirement & approval is instant.

Popads Pros:

High CPM rates when compared to other networks.
No minimum traffic requirements
Minimum payout is $5

The only available payment mode is PayPal.
Check out Popads


It’s good to have a collection of advertisement networks for entry-level bloggers. They might not be as popular as other premium ad networks such as AdSense, Media.net or any other, but they ensure that new bloggers can taste the joy of online income.

There is no link included in this article all you have to do is go to google and search these.

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